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Updated: May 23, 2020

I just took a trip down memory lane. I am in what I think might be close to sixty days of government forced isolation. I have had a bit of extra time on my hands to look at photos. I found a photo of me with my second-grade class. The photo brought back so many memories to a time when our lives weren't digitized. I remember that year well because we had our First Holy Communion. Chickenpox spread through the school. I had about ten little itchy bumps and low-grade fever; nothing higher than 100 degrees. It was no big deal for me. I was happy because I got to take a whole week off of school. Luckily, I got back just in time for that Holy Day.

In the 80's we didn't vaccinate kids for Chicken Pox. There were only about eight vaccines that we got. Parents, well at least mine, let us stay outside all day, get dirty and play until the street lights came on. Even with chicken pox I still remember being able to roam free through our backyard and climb trees. In our neighborhood, we cut through backyards, hopped fences, played Ghost In The Graveyard, and we experienced natural consequences for our actions.

In the 80s I knew of a few overly controlling parents and which houses would have an overly hovering mother and it was always best to avoid her judgmental gaze as she ruled the house like a Queen and she saw the children as her royal subjects that she must control by all means necessary. But mostly all that was trending in my hood was jelly shoes, lots of hairspray, dirt under our nails, and the wild notion that parents let kids be kids.

Oh the good old days, when kids weren't drugged up on anti-depressants and stimulants to keep pace with new common core mandates, when playgrounds weren't padded, when active shooter drills weren't a thing and when we flipped off of monkey bars and sometimes broke an arm and never thought to sue anyone.

Oh, and what about those days when we never knew anyone with autism because autism didn't make its debut into the DSM until 1980. In the 80s only 4 in 10,000 kids had autism. Whereas today, that number has risen to 1 in 54 children. While some will say vaccines are not to blame, they will fail to acknowledge the toxic world in which we live where children are jacked up with toxins from the foods, pollutants in the water, excessive screens, and an overly sanitized environment of bleach and Clorox wipes and an overly aggressive vaccination schedule even for diseases that are not deadly.

Chickenpox was not deadly for most children. As for me, I built my immunity up naturally and easily. Like chickenpox, COVID-19 isn't deadly either, to children, except in rare circumstances, at least from what we know based on data from CDC from the last five months.

As for Chickenpox, according to The CDC, "In the early 1990s, an average of 4 million people got chickenpox and 100 to 150 people died each year. But, they created a vaccine and guess what, according to the CDC about a hundred people still die a year today of complications due to Chicken Pox.

As for COVID-19, according to research, COVID-19 presents asymptomatically in about 4% of children. Asymptomatic means they are infected with COVID19 and they don't feel sick or have any symptoms of illness; no fever and no whining. 51% of the children studied had a mild illness (fever and discomfort), 39% moderate and 6% had a severe or critical illness. (Dong Y, et al. Pediatrics. March 16, 2020). Also, according to the latest research, very much like chickenpox, most children will easily get infected from COVID-19 because it is highly contagious but it is not dangerous or lethal for most children with healthy immune systems. They might get a mild fever and need some time off to recover.

When a child or an adult gets a virus their body has a natural defense system where the invaders (antigens) are met with warriors (antibodies) who team up and attack the antigen thereby, building up a permanent wall of defense to guard against future attacks. Building immunity is a lot like building muscle mass. If you don't break down the body a bit with stress and load, it will not only not get stronger but the muscles and the immune system will atrophy (shrink). Our children in the last 20 years have been shrinking. Literally, according to Robert R. Redfield, M.D., CDC Director, “The latest CDC data show that the U.S. life expectancy has declined over the past few years. Tragically, this troubling trend is largely driven by deaths from drug overdose and suicide."

The troubling news of the day is that children are once again the innocent victims in a political and financial war and if we don't do something now, they are about to get shot up. They have been training for this at school. Every month or so, there's a lockdown drill to protect them from assassinations by an active shooter but this time the shot is not coming from a man carrying an assault weapon but rather a prestigious billionaire leading the politicians to carry out his plans.

While some parents will blindly trust their pediatricians with their child's well-being and agree to one more vaccine. I have always been skeptical. Fourteen years ago, when I was concerned about whether or not to give my son all of the recommended shots at the time, I asked our pediatrician about the link between vaccinations and autism and she said to me, "Would you rather have a child with autism or a child that is dead?" Apparently, she had been primed in medical school to pose that question. It was part of the programming she received.

With a choice like that, that felt like no choice at all, I chose to vaccinate my kids. Luckily for me, none of my three children to date had an adverse reaction other than mild symptoms and discomfort. But this is not the case for all children. Despite what you will hear with the overly bold letters, "Vaccines are safe and effective." In the fine print are all of the potential side effects and some can even be deadly. If you don't believe me, go to directly to the public record of The Government-Run National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program's, from 2013 to 2017 alone, the program paid out an average of $229 million a year to patients and their families. In 2018 it was a Grand Total 3 billion 454 million 269 thousand 356 hundred dollars. Why is it that something so safe and effective would require that much money to be paid back to families with children who have been injured?

You see, children do get fucked up from vaccines and their parents are paid to keep their mouths shut. And, yes, vaccines do save children all over the world by helping to build their immunity through Immunotherapy. My own son, has been doing immunotherapy for two years to make him bee proof. Without the immunotherapy he would have stayed deathly allergic to bees. So, I am not against vaccinations or doctors or even the Governement but what I am AGAINST IS ANY MANDATE THAT FORCES ME TO INJECT MY CHILD WITH SOMETHING HE OR SHE DOES NOT NEED. This topic is not so black and white and there is no perfect one size fits all approach to wellness. Our medical system is not a wellness system it is disease management, acute critical care, and drug system. And, it is fueled by profit.

So, we all know how Jesus feels about money and greed so, let's talk about the cost of vaccines. According to AB Bernstein, "The vaccine market has grown sixfold over the past two decades." It is worth more than $35 billion today. And, to ensure that we all know about the latest and greatest new drug, pharmaceutical companies spend roughly $6 billion a year to make sure you know all about it.

Gates has, through his software, infiltrated everyone's minds. His master plan is at the top of everyone's feed and not only that, but YOUTUBE, GOOGLE, REDDIT, LINKEDIN, TWITTER, Bill's Baby Microsoft and The Bill & Melinda Gates are all working on ensuring we get the same information sold to us about COVID-19. That's right, they have formed a joint statement of information; an allegiance to one another. And, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has even committed an additional $50 million in funding for the GAVI vaccine alliance to address issues related to COVID-19.

Since Gates thinks that viruses are miracles perhaps he believes he is God. After all, he did have the foresight in March 2015, when he gave his famous TED talk predicting the exact predicament we are currently in. And, then to prepare us even more, Netflix released a documentary series called Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak, on January 22, 2020. It had been in the works since 2019, the same year that COVID-19 is named after. We've been primed for this.

Despite what you hear from people like Bill Gates, Vaccines ARE NOT MIRACLES. They are manmade scientific experiments that are made by mixing chemicals, toxins, weakened viruses and bacteria into a measured one size fits all concoction that gets injected according to a strict schedule set by the CDC and then that schedule is passively agreed upon by all physicians unless of course, they want to lose their license but to practice medicine physicians are often forced to comply. Doctors are following orders from an authority bigger than them.

Our faith must not be based on an institution or a human that is fueled by profit rather, our faith must be restored in the power of the human body's innate wisdom and intelligence to heal itself through a lifestyle that builds up our defenses from the inside. Our faith must be restored in the individual will and freedom for a Mother to choose how she will raise her child and her freedom to decide for herself what is in the best interest of her baby. A mother should not be forced or coerced to become part of the herd but rather she must become the sheep dog that is neither the butcher, the sheep or the wolf but rather the guardian of all.

I know longer receive Holy Communion but those early morality lessons did stick with me. I do remember what I learned about God. And, this I know for sure, "God can't be found at the bottom of any bottle or inside a syringe." Vaccines are not holy though sometimes necessary the question becomes how many do we really need and at what cost? That decision should be left up to you and to you alone!


Feed your family well.

Information from Public Data Base, CDC.


Late 1940s | Recommended Vaccines





* Given in combination as DTP

Late 1950s | Recommended Vaccines





Polio (IPV)

* Given in combination as DTP

Late 1960s | Recommended Vaccines





Polio (OPV)




* Given in combination as DTP

Late 1970s | Recommended Vaccines




Polio (OPV)




* Given in combination as DTP

** Given in combination as MMR

985 - 1994 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (OPV)


1994 - 1995 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (OPV)


Hepatitis B

* Given in combination as DTP

** Given in combination as MMR

2000 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A

2005 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A



2010 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A




* Given in combination as DTaP

** Given in combination as MMR

2019 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A




* Given in combination as DTaP

** Given in combination as MMR

Number of deaths for leading causes of death:

  • Heart disease: 647,457

  • Cancer: 599,108

  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936

  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201

  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383

  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404

  • Diabetes: 83,564

  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672

  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633

  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173

See Gatesnotes for his proposed Vaccine Mandates:

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